
View the Project on GitHub robfatland/nexus

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nexus is a threefold documentation resource centered on technology, tools and methods of open research. Threefold means native, external and hybrid documentation. Hybrid documentation is (native) commentary generated when working through (external) resources like guides and tutorials.

The nexus content map

Nexus is consequently a 3-level tree.

Essay: Understanding the cloud-for-research time investment

Why is nexus?

nexus was conceived as a response to the tech ‘profusion/latency’ problem: I need to track a bunch of technology with a profusion of details; and I am obliged to spend months focused in one particular area. After long neglect I return to an old topic and find myself re-learning a lot of details. This is onerous and depressing. So to heck with that, nichte diese Töne. nexus documents everything I know to reduce the stress of starting over.