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nexus, index source, documentation index

my kingdom for some breadcrumbs


This section of nexus really serves two ideas: documentation as a task within a workflow and how to make that smoother and faster; and then documentation as a philosophical topic.


the author in a contemplative moment

Tactical documentation

top and time

This section is on timing code execution and evaluating whether we are using the full power of a computer.


flameshot is a free open source screen capture application. It is helpful in creating documentation.

Installing flameshot on Windows you will want to know two things:

What’s the deal with flameshot? Answer: It works by creating a screencap window with a ton of useful controls; so you can mark up the screencap (obscure text, draw arrows and circles, …) before you actually grab it. Then save it or paste it into a deck, no further messing around needed. Dan Kegel would say: You want it.

Philosophy of documentation

The philosophy is the “Proofs from the Book” normative statement: There is an optimal path in presenting a complex topic. nexus is centered on tech, tools and methods of open science; and having ideas on documentation is part of that, i.e. not just “document how to start a VM” but “document my code” and “document my code’s performance” and so on.

See also the nexus lexicon page.