
View the Project on GitHub robfatland/greenandblack


Green and black…

Quo vadis?


Bottom line: The plan is to enable WSL-2 on a Windows machine in support of Linux

More on WSL-2: A compatibility layer

A compatibility layer is an interface that allows binaries from a foreign system to run on a host system.

In the WSL-2 discussion above, the host system is Windows and the compatibility layer is Windows Subsystem for Linux v2, abbreviated WSL-2. The foreign system binary is Linux. One enables WSL-2 so as to run Linux on Windows.

At the Windows Command Prompt – as Administrator – one can install wsl if needed via wsl --install. (Re-start the PC at this point.) Thence: A wsl command starts a bash shell in the Command window.

C:\Windows\system32> wsl

(base) username> pwd


(base) username> cd ~
(base) username> pwd


(base) username> exit


Now the darndest thing is I can also use my Windows chooser (windows key) to find bash. How did that get there? …more to do here…


Bottom line: Anaconda is a large Python distribution that includes package and environment management tools. More here

What is miniconda

source ~/.bashrc
conda install ipython
conda install jupyter
conda create -n python313 python=3.13
conda activate python313
jupyter notebook

What is conda-forge?

What is VSCode?

What is bash?

What is Linux?

Linux is an operating system traceable back to UNIX.

Which version of the Linux operating system am I running?

cat /etc/os-release

VERSION="18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS"

lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic

What is vi or vim?

vi is a visual text editor created by Bill Joy back in the mid-1970s, associated with UNIX/Linux. vim is an improved and very compatible version. The main point of vi from my perspective is: Sharp learning cost and then it becomes second nature; and this is primarily due to the intrinsic mode which gives access to a command line at the bottom of the screen.

In recent years vi/vim has accumulated features like color-coded text which is one of the motivations for this repository. Apparently when Heads Up Displays were introduced in the military the pilots would often switch them off because it they just amounted to visual clutter.

What is Jupyter?

What is git?

What is GitHub?

What is Binder?

What is an environment?

What is environment.yml?

What is requirements.txt?

I can “install” something called WSL… or maybe it is combined with “turning on Linux” inside Windows. But I can also install Ubuntu bash. Which opens a bash terminal in my home directory… where miniconda is not installed. So I install miniconda and now I can create and activate environments. And I can start a Jupyter notebook server. But the other day my Ubuntu icon stopped working. So I forced Ubuntu to start using the Windows start utility. So it started. So I said "ls" and everything was gone. So all my hard work evaporated (except that it was mostly synched with GitHub so Hah Hah Hah on the gods of data loss). So

### What is a web framework?

### What is flask?